Slap box Production: 

Cast and Crew 

Embark on a journey with our community-driven animation organization! Our crew members are on a quest to uncover the hidden talents of Philadelphia, all in service of The Greener Grass animated series and our community's digital illustrative needs. If you're eager to join a vibrant community of artists, lend your skills to an exciting animation project, and nurture your growth as an artist within a supportive community, then look no further. Click "Join SLPBX Crew" to share your artistic talents, aspirations, or interest in giving back to our artistic community!

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Slap box Production: "Petals too?" Pop-up Gallery at the One art Community center

SLPBX Production Successfully hosted their 1st Comic Book Pop up gallery! Slap box Production showcases "The Greener Grass, Vol.01: Petals Too?" Digital Manga Act 1, Pilot Soundtrack, at the One Art Community Center. Slapbox presented the collective efforts of Philadelphia native artist, UArts interns towards collective STEAM Learning and series production. 

"Petals too?" Voice Over Studio Session

Within beginning development stages, SLPBX scouted aspiring Philadelphia voice actors. Casted actors table readings workshops trained animated amateur voice actors for studio professionalism, delivery and actor-to-actor support. Watch voice actors audio perform Spider attack voice over layering.

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University Animation Internship

Our community intersection includes Philadelphia University School of the Arts, Moore College of design, Rutgers University and Temple University. Intern students complete required university hours of Animation production: illustration, Animatics/Animation and Animation Colorist and excited to contribute their skills to SLPBX's animation outreach programs. SLPBX completed its first summer semester, take a look at one of SLPBX's most dedicated intern, Frankie C. (they/them) school of film/Animation, sophomore - "Landon storyboard" sketch. Subscribe today for more UARTS contributed illustrations and animation.

Frankie C. (they/them) school of film/Animation, sophomore - "Landon storyboard" sketch.

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Greener Grass Playlist

Heard a song you like? Here's how you can support Philadelphia artist: Start by finding SLPBX playlist on Spotify or SoundCloud. Find the song you like and add it to your everyday listening playlist! Make sure to add The Greener Grass Saga playlist to your library to stay up to date on our growing anime music catalog!

Community Animation Production: Phase 1of  "Petals too?!" Animatics 

SLPBX Crew and UArts interns celebrate the milestone of completing our first Comic book Volume and begin animation production. Watch vol 1 Act 1 comic audible and animatics!

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Slap box Productions Crew  

Producer and Content Creator Tya Barnes initially connected with Eugene Haynes, a Creative Producer with over 20 years of producing experience. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic shutdown Gene serves as Project Advisor, supporting various collaborations with writers, directors, illustrators, musical artists, and voiceover talent. Tya then linked up with Hazard (Jarret Sizer) after watching him perform his musical skills virtually.

Hazard joined the business development team, connecting the production crew with Milk Boy Studio engineer Miles and independent engineer Manny (Baeo) to produce voice-overs and the soundtrack.

Dedicated Illustrator Rohan Giri joined our team simultaneously with Hazard, specifically drawing world-like bugs and unique Shonen-style illustrations, perfecting the vision of The Greener Grass Universe and Characters.

Tya’s attachment to community activism, STEAM education, and liberation connected Powerful Mindz Inc, a Philadelphia mindful STEM nonprofit, to provide service to partnering schools, community centers, and organizers to create their animated visions educating, celebrating, and uplifting Black life and resilience.

Join SLPBX Production Crew!

Join Greener Grass EDU Alliance

Slap box Productions provides more than artistic content, we are an open-source network of resources for all participating artists and viewership. Our multi-talented Nd professional crew organizes community resources, platform, and expression, incorporating community response, community educators and activist breakdowns and open Lexicon and series reference index for our viewer's educational support. SLPBX Crew are independent artists, STEAM professionals and film educators with over 20 years' experience. More than an Anime, but haven for Black Artist and community residents